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How to choose the best cot mattress?

 Here are some other factors to consider when you choose a mattress for your baby. Picture Shutterstock
Here are some other factors to consider when you choose a mattress for your baby. Picture Shutterstock
How to choose the best cot mattress?
How to choose the best cot mattress?

There's nothing better than a baby who sleeps through the night, or at least for multiple hours. While every baby will have their bad days, as parents, we can try our best to provide them with the most comfortable circumstances possible while they sleep.

One way of doing this is by purchasing the right mattress. This isn't only for their comfort, though; the right mattress will also keep your baby safe as they sleep.

Luckily for you, Baby Toddler Kids is dedicated to providing you with the tips needed to choose the right mattress.

Key Points:

  • The mattress needs to be firm and support
  • The mattress size should fit the cot well with no play
  • It needs to be breathable and help your baby regulate their heat
  • Get a mattress made from hypoallergenic materials

Why go for quality?

This a good question. Let's be honest; there are loads of sub-par quality mattresses on the market. But a good quality mattress makes the difference between good or bad quality sleep. Quality sleep plays a huge role in your child's development. It'll ensure your baby's spine and bones develop well while providing comfort. It also supports your baby's sleeping position, ensuring they don't roll over and helping keep their airways open.

What to consider when choosing a mattress for your baby

There are a lot of quality baby mattresses on the market for you to choose from. We'd suggest taking measurements of your cot before buying a mattress to make sure it fits well. Here are some other factors to consider when you choose a mattress for your baby:


Your newborn's mattress needs to fit well into their cot, with no more than 2cm spacing between the frame of the cot and the mattress. The reason for this is to prevent any accidents from happening if your child rolls. In their early years, babies aren't able to lift their body weight. So if they happen to roll into the gap between the frame and mattress and land face down they could suffocate.


Soft mattresses may seem like the right idea because they're comfy, but they're actually a safety risk. Soft mattresses shift and move with the baby, which could cause them to roll or get stuck. Soft mattresses can also cause babies to overheat as they mould to their bodies as they sink in. This is why a firm mattress is better because it reduces the risk of rolling, helps newborns regulate their body temp and offers support for their bodily development.


The mattress needs to be breathable, meaning air needs to pass through the surface of the mattress. This is to ensure that your baby is kept cool while sleeping, reducing sweating and providing them with a more comfortable sleep.

Hypoallergenic properties

You never know what your baby could develop an allergy to. They have extremely soft and sensitive skin which exposes them to developing allergies to materials pretty fast. Having a child who develops an allergic reaction is no joke. The discomfort alone will send them into a crying fit. This is why a hypoallergenic mattress is suggested. They don't hold dust as much and are made with materials that don't develop allergic reactions in infants. They also deter dust mites, which are common causes of eczema, asthma, and rhinitis.


A good sign to look for certifications. Mattresses with health certifications from organisations go through rigorous testing to ensure that they're beneficial and safe for your kids. If you can find a mattress with health certifications on it, that would be a bonus.

Easy to clean

Babies and infants make a mess; it's bound to happen. Whether it's a spit-up, throw-up, or nappy explosion, these things happen. Do yourself a favour and get a mattress that cleans easily. Mattresses that don't hold odours and are machine washable make a parent's life so much easier. So, if you can, be on the lookout for a mattress that's easy to clean.


Can you use a second-hand mattress?

Buying and using a second-hand baby mattress isn't usually suggested. Firstly, you don't know how clean the mattress is. Secondly, the mattress would have developed a memory of how the baby who had it last used to sleep on it. This could be a lean that might increase the SIDS risk for your child.

How often should you clean a mattress?

Check the manufacturer's instructions regarding how often you need to wash your baby's mattress. This might be once a week or less. However, we'd suggest being prompt in cleaning to stop stains and messes and ensure the mattress stays clean for longer.