Newcastle Herald

Top 5 essential supplies to keep your cat happy and healthy

Here are the must-have cat supplies for creating a nurturing and engaging home. Picture supplied
Here are the must-have cat supplies for creating a nurturing and engaging home. Picture supplied

This is branded content by Swaggle, Australia's newest online pet store, delivering pet happiness..

Every cat is unique, with its own set of likes and dislikes. Understanding this helps cat owners provide their feline friends with the essentials for a happy and healthy life. To make sure cats thrive in their environment, here are the must-have cat supplies for creating a nurturing and engaging home:

1. High-quality cat food

Your cat thrives on a diet full of protein, whether it comes from dry food, wet food, or a mix of both. High-quality dry cat food offers convenience and helps keep teeth clean, while wet food can promote hydration and mimic a more natural diet. Incorporating some natural food options can provide variety and ensure you're meeting your cat's unique health needs.

Treats can also contribute to a balanced diet. They can be a great way to bond with your cat and encourage playful behaviour, but make sure they're nutritious and in moderation.

Here are the must-have cat supplies for creating a nurturing and engaging home. Picture supplied
Here are the must-have cat supplies for creating a nurturing and engaging home. Picture supplied

2. Litter box and quality cat litter

Finding the right litter box and litter is about making sure your cat feels comfortable and secure while doing their business.

A clean, accessible litter box is non-negotiable for cats. It respects their need for hygiene and privacy. Go for one that suits your cat's size and preferences-some like a cover for extra privacy, while others prefer an open space to keep an eye on their surroundings.

When it comes to litter, quality matters. Clumping litter makes scooping easy, while tofu and paper litter offer eco-friendly options that are gentle on paws and great at absorbing smells. For homes needing extra freshness, look for litter designed to neutralise odours effectively.

Here are the must-have cat supplies for creating a nurturing and engaging home. Picture supplied
Here are the must-have cat supplies for creating a nurturing and engaging home. Picture supplied

3. Scratchers

Cats have a natural need to scratch because it helps them stretch, maintain their claw health, and mark their territory. A cat scratcher fits the bill perfectly by offering a dedicated spot for your cat to indulge in their scratching instincts.

Choosing a scratcher that catches your cat's eye and meets their scratching needs can turn into a fun activity. Whether it's a flat board for cats who like to stretch out or a shaped scratcher that adds a playful twist, finding the right one can keep your cat happy and protect your furniture.

Here are the must-have cat supplies for creating a nurturing and engaging home. Picture supplied
Here are the must-have cat supplies for creating a nurturing and engaging home. Picture supplied

4. Cat toys

Keeping a cat engaged and active is essential for their well-being, and choosing the right cat toys can make all the difference.

Interactive toys are at the top of the list. They offer your cat a way to satisfy their hunting instincts with moving parts or lights that mimic the unpredictable movements of prey. They're not just fun; they also provide mental stimulation and physical exercise.

For the times when your cat seeks comfort or a solo play session, soft toys are ideal. They can be great companions when your pet wants something to cuddle or attack without the need for human interaction.

Lastly, teasers with enticing feathers or strings invite cats to pounce, chase, and leap. They offer cats and cat owners a fun way to bond and engage in play.

Here are the must-have cat supplies for creating a nurturing and engaging home. Picture supplied
Here are the must-have cat supplies for creating a nurturing and engaging home. Picture supplied

5. Comfortable cat bed

A comfortable cat bed is where your feline friend can retreat for a peaceful nap or simply watch the world go by from their cosy spot. The right bed adapts to your cat's preferred sleeping position, whether curling up tight or stretching out fully.

Finding a bed that suits your cat's needs can help them get the rest they need to stay active and healthy. This also means considering the design and material that will keep your pet warm and comfortable, especially during colder months.

Create a happy home for your cat

Cats are part of the family, and caring for them means making sure they're happy. By prioritising these essentials, you can create a space that covers their basic needs and makes their lives more enjoyable.

To give your furry family member the best, check out the wide selection of cat supplies at Swaggle. Browse their range today and find the perfect essentials to keep your cat happy and healthy.